Friday 23 December 2016

Kirchhoff's Rules

Circuit Nodes and Loops

  • Node: a point where several wires electrically connect 
  • Symbolized by a dot or circle at the wire crossing 
  • If wires cross without a dot, then not connected 
  • Nodes also called junctions 
  • Typically give nodes a number or letter
  • Branches: lines with devices connecting two nodes 
  • Loop: an independent closed path in a circuit 
  • There may be several possible closed paths 

What is Kirchhoff's Voltage and Kirchhoff's current law

Definition of Kirchhoff's Voltage Law:

  • Algebraic sum of the voltage drops around any loop or circuit = 0   
  • Voltage drops are positive in the direction of the set loop current 
  • Voltage drops negative when opposite loop current 
  • Voltage sources positive if current flows out of + side
  • Voltage sources negative if current flows into + side
  •  A loop is an independent closed path in the circuit 
  •  Define a "loop current" along that path
  •  Real currents may be made up of several loop currents
Kirchhoff's Current Law:

The algebraic sum of currents entering any node (junction) is zero.

  1.     The sign convention
  2.     Currents are positive when they entering the node 
  3.     Currents negative when leaving  
KCL is called a Continuity Equation: It says current is not created or destroyed at any node.

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Kirchhoff's Rules
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